Supporting Youth
Information for Youth In Care, in Extended Society Care and Former Crown Wards
If you are, or were, an Ontario child in extended society care (formerly an Ontario Crown ward) who wants to go to college or university, you can be reimbursed for the cost of applying to college or university programs. Visit the The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) website to learn more.
Ontario Postsecondary Application Fee Reimbursement Program For Individuals Who Are/Were In Extended Society Care – 2023-2024 Academic Year Application for Reimbursement
Provincial assistance is now available through the Ontario Crown Ward Postsecondary Application Fee Reimbursement Program to help current and former Ontario Crown wards cover postsecondary application fees. This application form allows the program to reimburse current and former Extended Society Care / Ontario Crown Ward youth for the cost of applying to eligible postsecondary schools and postsecondary programs.
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) Income Exemption for Bursaries/Scholarships for Crown Wards
Beginning in the 2008-2009 academic year, bursaries and scholarships provided to current and former Crown wards by Children’s Aid Societies and the Children’s Aid Foundation are eligible for an OSAP exemption.
Up to $3,500 of eligible bursaries and scholarships will be exempt from income in OSAP. Students in receipt of these awards will be assessed for OSAP funding for full-time studies without consideration of the exempt amount.
If you received a bursary or scholarship from your Children’s Aid Society or the Children’s Aid Foundation, contact your Children’s Aid Society for the necessary form that you will need to provide to OSAP to get this exemption.
Scholarships and bursaries provided by community agencies or organizations or corporations may be eligible for the OSAP exemption if child welfare involvement was an eligibility requirement for the award.