Client Satisfaction and Feedback
Receiving feedback from the people we serve provides us insight as to how we can improve upon your experience. When you share feedback, you are giving us your insight on how we have engaged with families as well as their experience with us.
What to Know About Sharing Your Feedback:
This survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to answer. Please answer as many questions as you can; it’s okay to skip some. Your responses will be anonymous unless you choose otherwise. You don’t have to share anything you don’t want to – but it would be great if you could be open and honest about your experiences.
What Happens to My Feedback Afterwards?
Your feedback, combined with others’, will be read and analyzed by our Quality Assurance department to help us improve our services. For specific complaints,
please contact your worker. If you have already spoken to your worker about your complaint and are not satisfied, please feel free to contact their manager. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact our Quality Assurance department.
Please follow the link below to complete the survey.
If you would prefer another form of communication please contact Client Services at 519-631-1492 x 211.